Woody Travels the World

Tonight at the Epic Elifins we made our own Flat Stanleys and plan to let them loose around the world! The aim is that we create flat cardboard characters, then send them to friends and family in the UK and abroad and ask for a photograph of our Flat Stanleys on their exciting trips. Find out more about the Flat Stanley project.

Instead of Stanley, we created Woody/Elfin characters out of cardboard and material, decorating them with a Woodcraft badge. We put the Woodys into an envelope and sent them to friends and relatives abroad or in the UK, along with a note asking them to send back a picture by email to the sender.

Circle of Friends

Once we get the emails in, the sender will print the photograph out and bring it to the next session where they will prepare a talk about the country/area that Woody visited. We will put a flag on our map and see how much of Planet Earth we can cover and how much we learn about these places.

We had a great time making our Woody characters and they all held hands during our closing circle. I think some of us might find it hard to part with our new friends.


Woodcraft boy Woodcraft flat stanley pink woodcraft girl4 Woodcraft flat stanley


Our Woodies had a great time exploring and went all over the world from Norfolk to Africa!

  • Bermuda
  • Norfolk
  • New Zealand
  • Germany
  • Thailand
  • Namibia
Girl on beach holding Woodie

Woody in Bermuda!

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