Woodcraft Summer Camp 2015
In mid-September, 70 Elfins, Pioneers and adults went on a 2 night camp in Sarratt, sharing our field with several well-behaved chickens.
Epic Elfin Mathilde tells us all about it…
The first day of camp was my birthday, which made it doubly exciting. Fortunately the rain stopped soon after we arrived.
On the first night our mission was to find some ancient dinosaur bones in the woods. And guess what? We succeeded yey! [with some help from Richard]
Next day was Saturday and we went on a mile-long walk to find as much water as we could from the nearby stream. The team with the most water collected was the winner. I paddled in the stream but I soon came out because the water was really cold. We had to walk back to camp with the water and try not to drop any – it was very tricky. We measured the water in a bin.
There was plenty of time at camp for us all to play in the playground which we turned into a shop where my friends and I collected wood to sell.
That night we sat round an open fire while the sun went down and we toasted marshmallows and had hot chocolate. We sang songs and had a lovely time.
Everyone helped and had their own task – I had to peel a whole bag of carrots!
Sunday morning we woke up to drop scones cooked over an open fire – a massive accomplishment for our chefs small and large.
Thanks to all the people who worked hard to make this happen.
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